Loss of conciousness
Severe chest pain
Blunt injury in any part of the body
Severe headache
Trauma in any part of the body
100,000+ patients served till now
NABH Accredited Hospitals with 200+ parameters audited
Expert doctors & surgeons with 10+ Years Experience
Dedicated Ayu mitra hand holds through out your surgery journey
100% Fixed prices & Easy payment options 0% EMI
Ayu Mitra coordinates end to end with the hospital for claiming process
MBBS.U.NTR Health Sciences.MBBS.2007
Intensivist 22+ years of experience22+ years of experienceहिंदी, English, తెలుగు
6-1-1070/1 to 4, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004, India
At Ayu Health, we identify the latest and most effective surgical procedures so that you can benefit from faster recovery times, shorter hospital stays, and less scarring.